Potential Involvement of Apelin/APJ System in Addiction and Neuroprotection Against Drugs of Abuse

Document Type : Review Article(s)


Institute of Neuropharmacology, Kerman Neuroscience Research Center, Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Kerman, Iran


Addiction, characterized by compulsive drug-seeking behavior and impaired self-control, remains a significant public health concern. Understanding the neurobiology of addiction is crucial for identifying novel therapeutic targets and further developing effective treatments. Recently, the apelin/APJ system, an emerging signaling pathway, has attracted attention for its involvement in various neuropsychiatric disorders. The cross-talk between the apelin/APJ system and hypothalamic mu opioid signaling, as well as its heterodimerization with kappa opioid receptors, supports the potential relevance of this system to addiction. Moreover, several protective effects of apelin against various addictive substances, including methamphetamine, morphine, and alcohol, underscore the need for further investigation into its role in substance use disorder. Understanding the contribution of the apelin/APJ system in addiction may offer valuable insights into the underlying neurobiology and pave the way for novel therapeutic interventions in substance use disorders. This review provides a concise overview of the apelin/APJ system, emphasizing its physiological roles and highlighting its relevance to addiction research.
