Prevalence and Pattern of Sexual Dysfunction in Male Patients with Alcohol Dependence

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Psychiatry, Dr. S N Medical College, Jodhpur, India

2 Department of Psychiatry, Shri Guru Ram Rai Institute of Medical and Health Sciences and Shri Mahant Indiresh Hospital, Dehradun, India

3 Department of Psychiatry, PDU Government Medical College, Rajkot, India



Background: Alcohol is a potent substance that causes both acute and chronic changes in almost all neurochemical systems, with 
the result that heavy drinking can produce serious psychological symptoms including depression, anxiety, and psychoses. It also
affects sexual health adversely and causes sexual dysfunction.

Methods: This study aimed to find the prevalence and pattern of sexual dysfunction in male patients with alcohol dependence. 
This cross-sectional study included 100 patients attending psychiatry out patient department (OPD) at a tertiary care center in west India. Informed written consent was taken for collecting socio-demographic and clinical data in a uniform and standard manner. 
Sexual dysfunction was assessed using a sexual dysfunction checklist, constructed by Arackal and Benegal at the national institute 
of mental health and neuroscience, Bangalore containing 12 items from the diagnostic criteria for research and ICD-10 classification of mental and behavioral disorders. The Leeds dependence questionnaire was used to assess the severity of alcohol dependence. 

Findings: Sexual dysfunction was present in 62% of the patients. Among the patients, 36% had difficulty achieving an erection, 
34% had difficulty maintaining an erection, 37% reported premature ejaculation, 7% had delayed ejaculation, 14% reported 
anorgasmia, 1% had ejaculation with a flaccid penis, 2% had pain during intercourse, 6% were dissatisfied with the frequency of
intercourse, 4% were dissatisfied with their sexual partner, and 7% were dissatisfied with their performance. 

Conclusion: Sexual dysfunction is significantly and positively associated with duration, amount of alcohol consumed per day, and 
severity of alcohol dependence.
