Addiction/Drug Use and Usage of Condoms Among Homosexual Males: A Cross-sectional Study

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Community Medicine, Dr. Vasantrao Pawar Medical College, Hospital & Research Centre, Nashik – 422003, India

2 Department of Community Medicine, Topiwala National Medical College & B.Y.L Nair Charitable Hospital, Mumbai 400008, India



Background: Despite the legal acceptance of homosexuality in India, it remains a social taboo, resulting in various challenges 
being faced by homosexual males. These challenges mainly include issues such as addiction/drug use and inconsistent and/
or incorrect condom usage which increase the risk of acquiring sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and HIV among them. 
This study was thus conducted with the objective of studying the patterns of addiction/drug use and condom usage among 
homosexual males.
Methods: The study was conducted at outreach sites of a non-governmental organization (NGO). A total of 240 participants, 
consisting of homosexual and bisexual males aged 18-24 years who were residing in the metropolitan city of Mumbai for at 
least 1 year, were enrolled. Data about addiction/drug use and patterns of condom usage was collected, compiled, entered into 
Microsoft Excel, and subsequently analyzed using SPSS.
Findings: Out of the total participants, 171 (71.2%) reported engaging in addiction/drug use, Among those participants, 105 
(61.4%) engaged in alcohol consumption prior to sexual contact to enhance pleasure or delay climax. Cigarette smoking was the 
most common type of addiction. Statistically significant association was found between habitual addiction/drug use (P=0.0023), 
use of ecstasy/aphrodisiac drugs (P=0.00654) and, inconsistent and/or incorrect condom use among the participants. However, 
planned addiction/drug use only before sexual contact did not show a significant association (P=0.066).
Conclusion: Habitual addiction/drug use among homosexual males increases the likelihood of engaging in inconsistent and/ or 
incorrect condom use, thereby elevating the risk of acquiring STIs and HIV. To mitigate this risk, interventions targeting addiction/
drug use prevention should be initiated during adolescence to address this issue at an earlier stage of life.


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Abhiram M. Kasbe: (Google Scholar) (PubMed)


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