Addiction & Health is an open access peer-reviewed journal published by Kerman University of Medical Sciences since 2009. The journal offers an opportunity for researchers to publish research findings into the impact of addiction on health in all experimental, clinical, and epidemiological aspects. Addiction & Health considers high-quality original articles, review articles, case reports, short communications, and letters to editors for publication. There is no charge for publication in this journal.

Average time to first decision: 7 days
Average review time: 19 days
Acceptance rate: 34%

Current Issue: Volume 16, Issue 2, May 2024 

Internet Addiction and its Impact among Higher Educational Students from 10 Universities in the Indian State of Chhattisgarh

Pages 107-114


Ramesh Kumar Sahu; Diwakar Singh Rajput; Naresh Jadeja; Anuradha Shukla; Rohini Ramji Dwivedi

Investigating the Effect of Substance Desire and Child Abuse in Adolescent Suicide Attempt

Pages 115-121


Farzad Gheshlagi; Rokhsareh Meamar; Fatemehalsadat Rastkerdar; Azadeh Akbari Jebeli; Ali Soleimanpour; Shadi Haddad; Nastaran Eizadi-Mood

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Indexing and Abstracting

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